There are currently 4 different properties of an ENgage! message history that are worthy of note:

    • Escalation Colour Flash:  The first colour flash at the far left of the message tile will show RED for Expired messages or white when not.

    • Unread Colour Flash:  The second colour flash (if shown) at the far left of the message tile will show BLUE for Expired or Externally Actioned messages that have NOT been read on that device at the point that the message is moved into History.

    • Action Date: Swipe the message tile right and the left-most area will show the time in days:hours:minutes:seconds that the message was actioned.

    • Action Button: Swipe the message tile left and the right-most-most area will show the either:

      • The Button pressed if actioned from this device

      • The text "Actioned Externally" if you actioned from another device

      • The text "Expired" if its Availability window ended